Buy a Framed Reproduction Painting of Van Gogh’s The Starry Night

We’re always looking for new ways to display our frames, and our favourite by far is having them displayed in art galleries across the world for classic artworks.   However, if you don’t have millions in the bank you’re unlikely to view any of these in your own home.  That is, until now.

We’ve teamed up with C.O.R. Artwork, an immensely talented team of reproduction artists to provide affordable and high quality reproductions that are practically indistinguishable from the real thing.   A hand crafted oil painting of your choosing, immaculately framed too if you wish, and at a price that won’t break the bank.

Our first recommendation is arguably the most famous painting of all time (and surprisingly this isn’t The Mona Lisa), Van Gogh’s The Starry Night.   Van Gogh produced numerous artworks during his lifetime, and the iconic The Starry Night (1889) now has an estimated value of between £80 million to £110 million.

Head over to their reproduction art website and take a look at what they have to offer.   Any size, any frame, and at a price you won’t want to miss out on.

Ten interesting facts about Van Gogh’s The Starry Night

“The Starry Night” is one of Vincent van Gogh’s most famous and iconic paintings. Here are ten facts about this masterpiece:

  1. Creation Date: Vincent van Gogh painted “The Starry Night” in June 1889 while he was staying at the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France.
  2. Inspiration: The painting is believed to be inspired by the view from Van Gogh’s window at the asylum, combined with his imagination and emotional state. Van Gogh often painted scenes from nature, but he infused them with his own emotional and symbolic meanings.
  3. Style: “The Starry Night” is a prime example of Van Gogh’s post-impressionist style. The use of swirling, turbulent forms and vivid colors demonstrates his unique approach to capturing emotions and expressing his inner experiences.
  4. Brushwork: Van Gogh used his characteristic thick and expressive brushstrokes in “The Starry Night.” The swirling patterns and impasto technique (the application of thick paint) create a sense of movement and energy in the sky.
  5. Palette: The dominant colors in the painting are deep blues and yellows. The contrast between the cool blues of the night sky and the warm yellows of the stars and village below contributes to the overall intensity of the composition.
  6. Cypress Tree: A prominent feature in the foreground is a tall, slender cypress tree. The cypress is often associated with death and eternity, and its distinctive shape adds to the dreamlike and otherworldly quality of the painting.
  7. Starry Sky: The night sky in the painting is filled with swirling stars. Van Gogh’s depiction of the night sky goes beyond realism, emphasizing the emotional and spiritual aspects of the scene rather than a precise astronomical representation.
  8. Village: The village depicted in the painting is Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. The buildings have a simple, almost distorted appearance, emphasizing the emphasis on the celestial elements in the composition.
  9. Exhibition and Recognition: “The Starry Night” was not widely recognized during Van Gogh’s lifetime, and he sold only a few paintings. However, it has since become one of his most celebrated and recognized works.
  10. Current Location: “The Starry Night” is part of the collection at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. It is one of the museum’s most popular and frequently visited artworks.

“The Starry Night” is not only a masterpiece that reflects Van Gogh’s unique artistic vision but has also become an enduring symbol of expressionism and emotional intensity in art.